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Xinthua's Solo Adventure

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The party arrives at Brekkon. It is full of broken architecture and spires over 500 ft tall. It is a massive city with no end. The city is tall. Xinthua looks for the sashes of the Sandworms. He sees many different gangs with piercings and tattoos. Some are wearing only black shoes. Some are wearing necklaces of ears or fingers. Xinthua and Wako feels a psychic beckoning. The party goes deeper into the city. Some missionaries ask the party to help them get to their school. They preach for Tall Papa which Xinthua takes offense to. Some druggy tries to rob the party but Xinthua bites his arm. He is then interrogated and they find out that there is a drug called Dream being made by the Ink Moths. The guy's name is Bhudri. He is a dragonborn. Ink Moths have tattoos or dark circles under their eyes. The Hootsas are a reptile faction. Xinthua and Wako go to the third level to find the Hootsas. Horthgok Ashtooth leaves the party to go to Cradle. Solomon goes west. Fox hands out with Bameron and Bhudri.

Solo Adventure

Xinthua and Wako does up to the Hootsas. On the second level are mainly reptile folk. The walls are magically engraved with snakes and Oovi. The passages are winding. A copper dragon born woman called Oriana is a Zinfar (Overseer) of the Hootsas asks if she can help Xinthua Tzeqal. This place is founded by the refugees of the first Cradle/Oovi war. She gives Xinthua a tour. She shows him the stronghold, where all the administrative work and the Zooaka (Overcouncil). What is Dream? Distributed by the Ink Moths. Oriana's son Boodry is addicted to the stuff. They then go to the back area of the stronghold, there are the sleeping quarters. All races are treated equally, so long as they are reptile folk. Wako goes to train with the raptors. Oriana shows Xinthua where the youth are trained and educated. The Hootsas run the current floor, the one above, and the one below. Xinthua wakes up the next day and meets Oriana at the gate. He takes some mystery meat from the feeding hall. Oriana introduces Meskush, another overseer. Along with him come 7 lizardfolk, dragonborns, a human, and an elf. The trek takes 6 hours to get to work site. After about 4 hours of walking, Xinthua sees Meskush talking to some furbolg, human, and 3 more humanoids. They say that we don't have a claim up here. Xinthua Thunder Steps twice, knocks everyone out, and spares the dying. The group goes back home. Meskush tells of Xinthua's heroics and celebrate. Day three: Meskush informs Xinthua of the developments in the minecart idea. Ninsun introduces herself, she is a Yan-Ti. She is the head of the covert operations group. She wants Xinthua to go find out why the Bloodmares have attacked. Lodkay is the furbolg that attacked. The Bloodmares gives the following information: The largest gang lead by the Luxadon Big Al. Their initiation is a pit fight. Once they pass initiation, they are branded with an ax on the upper shoulder (meat rank), horse head attached to the ax (the body), crown of fire above the ax (hand). They have an agreement with the Ink Moths to stop all other sellers, and a protection racket with the businesses, they also stop fight. The fighting pit is on 6th level is called the hemorrhage. Mission: Find out if Logkay is working on his own, or if he is working for the Bloodmares. The trip to the third level takes 6 hours, from there he finds the direction to Lodkay's group. He sends the human and the hooded figure to check on stuff. Xinthua follows the human and talks to him while looking like Lodkay. Jakobo have broken bonds with Lodkay. Vella is the human's name. 3 weeks, no contact with the Bloodmares. They deal with a guy with a big hat. Ivan took out Jakobo. Ivan was contracted to kill Jakobo. Xinthua and Vella go up, level 4 is too dark and quiet. It has magical darkness and a maze. At end is a mile long wall of the library. This is Ink Moths territory, but it seems empty. They arrive at level 5. A man with 3 red stripes on his jacket sleeves. They are a goliath. They take Xinthua and Vella to Big Al. They are taken into the throne room. Xinthua shapeshifts into a human and tells Big Al everything about the hit. Big Al gives a bisected Luxadon Tusk to Xinthua to use as passage. Xinthua goes back down to the Ninsun. She gives Xinthua a Blue Gem Eye of Oovi, earns the title of Razir (infiltrator of the Hootsas). Xinthua spends days training with the other infiltrators. In the afternoon of the seventh day he is summoned by Oriana and Meskush. Another tabaxi named Boris led the OG Sandworms.