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The party attends the funeral of The President. At least half of the city. The people don't seem to care. The party makes a way to the coffin. The message Solomon game the Admiral was received and he left but hasn't been heard of. Xinthua Tzeqal convinces The Warden to give each party member 25 gp. A man waves the party down, and delivers an envelop to Bameron. Don Crompit's mistress's name Silvia. Xinthua Tzeqal convinces The President's mom to allow him to transform into a priest of the Tomfool. He makes a fool of everyone and is threatened down. And in death may he be the luckiest. He raises his hand, 3 fingers in the air. The casket gets pushed into the water and fire arrows. Then black claws pulls the casket into the water and a ghost comes out and a bird catches it. Xinthua Tzeqal gets on the podium and tells the people to get rid of the government. He then jumps into the crowd and disappears. The party rejoins at an alley somewhere and then go to the abandoned house. A man from the Sandworms praises Xinthua Tzeqal for weakening the government and informs them that Tasty will be installing a puppet into the presidency. Xinthua Tzeqal requests that the puppet be pro Il-Oovi and anti-Cradle. The party reaches the abandoned house and find Solomon sick and needing medical attention. Fox attends to his were-boar transformation. Tulis is the wereboar's name. Bameron tells us that the portal leads to the astral plane. Xinthua Tzeqal strikes a hard stone surface. It looks the edge of a mirror. 4' x 6'. The party raises the portal mirror. Xinthua Tzeqal sees his reflection in the mirror. The Astral Plane is the plane that connects the material plane and the god plane. It also hold memories and ghosts. Lost souls. Oovi's mind in the Water Plane connected to Ethereal Plane. The party enters the portal. There is a flat plane with a faint green hue. There is mist that goes on forever. Xinthua Tzeqal and Fox hear a voice in the distance. The wereboar Tulis. The party leads Tulis to Boarboarygmos. His wife's name is Magza made a new home in the woods. Solomon and Bameron find another portal. They pull down the mirror and look into it. They see a dark brown ashy realm and forest. They enter the realm of Boarboarygmos. They see small clusters of the trees. Boarboarygmos comes out of the ground and stands before the party. The gods of Althum asked for Boarboarygmos to help with the protection of the material realm. He refused and got his realm cursed. Boarboarygmos gives the party casks of God booze, and fixes the Solomon's Boarboarygmos requests that the party punch the Windswindler in the mouth. The party pools their magical powers and summons a bald man in a yellow sweater. He has yellow eyes and yellow teeth. He wants to talk to Xinthua Tzeqal. It's the Tomfool.