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False Oovi

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Summary: The party speaks with the Raving Man who told them of a cult trying to summon a False Oovi at the Arcane Institute. The party proved their magical powers to gain entrance and sought information, finally rooting out the Red Robed People and destroying their cult and the False Oovi. Xinthua Tzeqal found in it's body the Oovi's Nail and the Presidential Ring. Notes: The party makes it to the Boardwalk and finds one two navy ships left in the bay. They find the Raving Man yelling about the Wordbearer. The end involves the False Oovi wells in a small body of water. The Raving Man cannot read Encoded Thoughts. The Red Robed People found the False Oovi and he helps them destroys. Head of the demon not yet involved (AKA The Order of the Red Gale) The Red Robed People go to the Arcane Institute. Don Crompit sought the Raving Man's council before he died. The Red Robed People broke into the Castle Keep at night. Don Crompit meeting with his mistress. The party walks to the Arcane Institute and Xinthua Tzeqal proves this worth by casting Disguise Self. Solomon and Horthgok Ashtooth follow Xinthua Tzeqal as his plus ones. Fox casts a magical knife at the guard and passes. Bameron makes his way in using a magical arrow. The party picks up Blue Robes as first year uniforms. Charles Johnson is a first year at the Arcane Institute. Professor Asher Flemming is teaching literature to 3rd years. Xinthua Tzeqal convinces the professor to go find a fake basilisk in the bathroom. Windsor runs and the party catches and interrogates him. He says Linway gets messages from the False Oovi. Asher Flemming says Linway is chill and he went on a date with her. Why are ships not the harbor? Probably because the False Oovi will attack tonight as was overheard from Linway. Jannis and Jannis's friend are friends of Linway. They tell the party that Linway found a pool under the dorms. The party then steals some red robes from Jannis and Jannis's friend's ex boyfriend. Xinthua Tzeqal spends the rest of the day researching magical rings, he learns that (his term ended) 40 years ago there was a Presidential Dragon Ring ring that belonged to the first president that belonged to Gregor Big Hand. The ring was made out of 2 dragon scales and had at the center a dragon's eye. He was buried with it but then it was grave robbed. He also finds a book about Don Crompit and his father who were fishermen and then president. Jannis and Jannis's friend lead the party into Linway's dorm and Bameron smells salt water. Linway welcomes the party, and they descend the sewer. Every other person in the cult is a female. Xinthua Tzeqal holds Linway's hand. The room looks like a cave that was carved. It is cramped and has a large pool of water in the back. Linway begins summoning the False Oovi but Xinthua Tzeqal shoots her with an Eldritch Blast and interrupts the ritual. Linway limps into the pool and finally summons the False Oovi. It is a blob of tentacles and meat and the party begins to pummel it. Xinthua Tzeqal hears rain in the back of his head (from Oovi). Xinthua Tzeqal finds the Presidential Ring and Oovi's Nail. Asher Flemming is having dinner with a student, Xinthua Tzeqal asks him to identify the magical item he found. The party levels up.